
Wiki Tutorial

Arduino Projects

Video courses

Project # 1 - Switching LEDs by clicking on the Reset button
Project # 2 - Electronic lock for MFRC-522 RC522, map, tag
Project # 3 - Displaying two, four-digit values on MAX7219 CWG 8
Project # 4 - Single-axis solar tracker, photoresistor and servo motor
Project # 5 - Timer: photography, fireworks, photoresist flares
Project # 6 - Robot informer on Arduino how to get a neighbor
Project # 7 - Home position of a stepper motor on Arduino
Project # 8 - Musical - Drum machine on Arduino
Project # 9 - Disable the jerk when powering the Servo motor!
Project # 10 - Power transmission over one wire to Arduino
Project # 11 - Address tape, enable, disable, move a pixel
Project # 12 - Sending values by serial and displaying on LCD 1602
Project # 13 - Graphic scale on display 1602A
Project # 14 - DC voltage boost converter for Arduino
Project # 15 - AlexGyver screensaver on 1602A display
Project # 16 - Mini menu on Mini OLED display 128x64px
Project # 17 - Arduino People Counter
Project # 18 - Game console on Arduino UNO
Project # 19 - ARDUBOY game console on Arduino UNO
Project # 20 - Count the number of clicks from the button and turn on the LEDs!
Project # 21 - Auto Running Turner on Arduino + Address Tape!
Project # 22 - Motor power regulator for IRF 530N + Arduino
Project # 23 - Dimmer for ~ 220 + Arduino (Experiment!)
Project # 24 - Menu controlled by 2 buttons on Arduino
Project # 25 - Christmas tree garland on an address LED strip
Project # 26 - RFID-CARDS access - close / open + Servo
Project # 27 - Switch and program execution for switching on and off
Project # 28 - Android - libraries, compilation and upload to Arduino board
Project # 29 - Light and Music on Arduino + Address - tape
Project # 30 - Steep turn signals, side lights, brake lights, Addressable tape WS2812
Project # 31 - Cool turn signals 2 part revision and new Arduino program
Project # 32 - The Coolest Arduino Menu on the display 20x4 Timer + PWM
Project # 33 - The simplest control of a 220 volt dimmer from an Arduino board
Project # 34 - Smart automatic hood on Arduino
Project # 35 - LCD 1602 + DS18B20 - Thermometer with value registration!
Project # 36 - Cube of random numbers on the Matrix 8 x 8 MAX7219
Project # 37 - Black box, recorder of values to the card from the Arduino board in time!
Project # 38 - Controller for a Christmas tree garland on the Arduino platform
Project # 39 - Radio remote control R433 for 4 Buttons, Receiver - 2 LEDs and 1 Servo motor!
Project # 40 - Robot on radio control with video transmission to Arduino!
Project # 41 - Cheat sheet Rus / Eng OLED 128x64 on Arduino
Project # 42 - Addressable LED staircase lighting on Arduino
Project # 43 - Developing an Android Application in 1 Minute - Controlling an Arduino Board
Project # 44 - Light breathing to illuminate the logo on the WS2812 Address Strip
Project # 45 - Timed Fish Feeder DS3231 + Arduino + Servo SG90
Project # 46 - Proximity Switch on HC SR04 - On and Off Lights
Project # 47 - Scratch board v0.3 - 10 mini projects
Project # 48 - Coil winder for Arduino
Project # 49 - Displaying Temperature and Humidity Values on Arduino
Project # 50 - Created by android app for smart home - Button and turn on the general light!
Project # 51 - Printing numbers from a 3x4 keyboard on a mini OLED 128x64 Arduino display
Project # 52 - Card access control RFID 522 + OLED 128x64 + Arduino
Project # 53 - Connect 4 small digital indicators (common cathode) to the Arduino board
Project # 54 - Terminal for an employee using an access card and sending a report via UART to Arduino
Project # 55 - Making an Android App with Arduino Voice Control!
Project # 56 - Cool addressable turn signals on Arduino 12 programs
Project # 57 - The counter of the worked days of the new company on Arduino
Project # 58 - Atmega 328P can be used without Arduino Uno
Project # 59 - Do-it-yourself current sensor, recognition of the connected load on the Arduino
Project # 60 - Stepper motor control, home position on Arduino
Project # 61 - How to change the name and password on the bluetooth module HC-05
Project # 62 - Programmable controller for stepper motor by coordinates
Project # 63 - How to remove the jerk when power is applied to the servomotor? Set resistor to 1k?
Project # 64 - Stepper motor control via STEP and DIR - A4988 DRV8825
Project # 65 - Touch sensor, touch button on Arduino
Project # 66 - Changeable rotation of the shaft of the stepper motor axis, control via STEP and DIR
Project # 67 - Joystick + steps - control via STEP and DIR
Project # 68 - Servo from stepper motor - Potentiometer, Arduino, Step, Dir..
Project # 69 - Muscle sensor (cardiograph AD8232) When the joint is rotated, the Servo is rotated
Project # 70 - IK Computer control panel on Leonardo Atmega 32u4
Project # 71 - Encoder + Motor - Control, speed, stop.
Project # 72 - Photo in 360, turntable on Arduino.
Project # 73 - Each fingerprint has its own function on the Arduino. On / off light, Click.
Project # 74 - From the remote control the computer from the Arduino UNO board.
Project # 75 - Brushless motor - part 1 - Do not repeat the driver is very hot!
Project # 76 - Brushless Motor - Part 2 - Start, RPM, Time!
Project # 77 - Stop light for bike with turn on Arduino!
Project # 78 - Remote - IR Receiver + Buzzer = Frequency Generator on Arduino
Project # 79 - Budget timer with power change on Arduino
Project # 80 - Step and Deer Stepper Motor Home Position on Arduino
Project # 81 - We wait for the signal for 5 seconds and turn on the LED on the Arduino
Project # 82 - Partronik for cars on Arduino
Project # 83 - From the remote control turn on and off the LEDs on the Arduino board
Project # 84 - Active exhaust for car on Arduino
Project # 85 - Encoder + Arduino + NRF24L01 - - NRF24L01 + Arduino + PWM motor
Project # 86 - Encoder turn on LEDs on Arduino + OLED Display
Project # 87 - Building a simple Android app to control ESP8266 - AT - Arduino
Project # 88 - Transferring an array of data over NRF24L01 to Arduino
Project # 89 - Parallel transmission of multiple values over NRF24L01 to Arduino
Project # 90 - USB MiDi keyboard on Arduino Leonardo!
Project # 91 - Wemos D1 - ESP8266 12F - Setup, firmware, blinking LED!
Project # 92 - ESP8266 12F - Port monitor and button operation, LED on and off!
Project # 93 - ESP8266 12F - Analog Pins, Connect Potentiometer and PWM Control!
Project # 94 - Connect DHT 11 temperature and spec module to ESP8266 12F
Project # 95 - Wemos D1 - Connecting Servo SG90 to ESP8266 12F
Project # 96 - Wemos D1 - Connect fire sensor to ESP8266 12F
Project # 97 - Wemos D1 - Connecting a stepper motor to ESP8266 12F
Project # 98 - Controlling a robotic platform with a Joystick on Arduino
Project # 99 - Protecting equipment from overheating on Arduino
Project # 100 - Photoresistor. Night light project on Arduino UNO
Project # 101 - Connecting transistor BC337 to Arduino board!
Project # 102 - Connecting the L293D driver to the Arduino board, 2 motors!
Project # 103 - Dimensions on the Address tape 20px.
Project # 104 - MQ-3 Alcohol Vapor Sensor, Breathalyzer on Arduino.
Project # 105 - ESP WIFI kit 32.
Project # 106 - Motor Driver L9110 + Arduino.
Project # 107 - Motor Driver L293D + Arduino.
Project # 108 - Fire sensor, open flame detection alarm.
Project # 109 - Butane or propane gas leak detection alarm.
Project # 110 - Arduino Laser Signaling.
Project # 111 - Hall Sensor, Flying Magnets Recorder.
Project # 112 - Downloading the program to the DWIN Display. Creating a background.
Project # 113 - DWIN Display + Arduino, Creating simple buttons, on and off - LEDs!
Project # 114 - DWIN Display - Create latched buttons to turn on LEDs!
Project # 115 - Line sensor! Line robot on Arduino!
Project # 116 - Thread winding machine with Arduino!
Project # 117 - DWIN Display - Creating a menu for a smart home!
Project # 118 - ESP 8266 12F Robotic control!
Project # 119 - DWIN Display - Value display is set to Arduino!
Project # 120 - DWIN Display - Flashlight Animation + DHT 11 Sensor!
Project # 121 - DWIN Display - Dashboard for cars, arrows and lights
Project # 122 - DWIN Display - Car speedometer, speed, distance
Project # 123 - DWIN Display - Clock, Dial on Arduino
Project # 124 - DWIN Display - Slider, Dial, Buttons!
Project # 125 - Optical sensor, Count turns on Arduino!
Project # 126 - DWIN Display - Scrolling, Menu, Album, Button and Arduino!
Project # 127 - DWIN Display - Analog audio frequency indicator on Arduino!
Project # 128 - Light for taillight illumination on Arduino and address tape!
Project # 129 - DWIN Display - Arduino IR Air Conditioner Temperature Controller!
Project # 130 - IR - Copy the remote and relay it from the remote to the Arduino!
Project # 131 - DWIN Display - Combination lock on Arduino + Solenoid!
Project # 132 - We connect the lamp lumen indicator IV - 3A to the Arduino!
Project # 133 - ADXL 345 + Servo SG90 - Arduino!
Project # 134 - Program without delay and waiting on Arduino!
Project # 135 - A set of ready-made programs for address running!
Project # 136 - 2 stepper motors by step dir en on Arduino!
Project # 137 - Arduino + Max 7219 + DHT 11 - Wireless!
Project # 138 - Arduino + Max 7219 + HC SR04 - Wireless!
Project # 139 - Motor driver from Servo SG90
Project # 140 - DWIN Display touch panel for auto!
Project # 141 - Addressable LED turn signals, 2 strips!
Project # 142 - Arduino -> ESP 8266 -> Telegramm
Project # 143 - Bluetooth - !!! TEXT STRING !!!!
Project # 144 - Arduino board as a key + reader!
Project # 145 - Position of displays 1602a!
Project # 146 - Arduino to Space + Online text editing test.
Project # 147 - Arduino ticker running Port Monitor!
Project # 148 - Arduino ticker, control via Bluetooth from your phone!
Project # 149 - Button dimmer on Arduino with brightness preservation!
Project # 150 - Without a wired switch on the Arduino from a lighter! Experiment!!
Project #151 - Arduino Passing People Recorder!
Project #153 - Car Lights on Address Tape + Arduino Nano + 12v!
Project #154 - Which file to send? sell? when developing and testing projects!
Project #155 - Passing VR HEX values from PC to DWIN display, SSCOM 5 program!
Project #156 - DWIN Display - Graph + Arduino!
Project #157 - Multiple Graphs on DWIN Display + Arduino + PC Monitoring!
Project #158 - Display PC Settings on DWIN Display as Dashboard AUTO!!
Project #159 - Display PC Settings on DWIN Display + Smooth Arrows!!!
Project #160 - Clock on Display DWIN + Arduino + DS3231!
Project #161 - Clock on Display DWIN + Arduino + DS3231!
Project #162 - DWIN - Display Brightness Variables!!
Project #163 - Arduino clock - MAX7219 + DS3231!
Project #164 - Big numbers on display 1602a!
Project #165 - Clock with large numbers on display 1602a + DS3231!