LCD 1602a
Arduino / ArduBlock 2.0

  • Language: English.
  • Format: .pdf
  • The size: 210×297 мм
  • Volume: 24 pages, 147,6 MB
  • Application: ArduBlock 2.0
  • Author: Vitaly Petrov

  • Information: How to buy and download the book!

LCD 1602a

Description: The book presents 20 projects, the first start with the popular LCD 1602a display. The display will present the ability to display information received from the Arduino board. Previously, to view data from a sensor or variable, we had to send it all to the serial port monitor and the device lost autonomy. Now when using the display in arduino projects, you can send data directly to the display from any pin or variable, and a new world of project development on the Arduino platform will open before you.

№ 1. Display of RU/EN text on display 1602A.
№ 2. Variable display on display 1602a.
№ 3. Stopwatch. Counts the time of the pressed button.
№ 4. Stopwatch. Start and stop button.
№ 5. Stopwatch. Reset button.
№ 6. Timer. Switching on after a set time.
№ 7. Timer. Switching on for a set time.
№ 8. Light brightness meter. Photo-resistor.
№ 9. Noise level meter. Microphone.
№ 10. Temperature meter. DS18B20 thermosensor.
№ 11. Atmospheric pressure meter. BMP280.
№ 12. Air temperature and humidity meter. DHT 11.
№ 13. Electronic level. ADXL 345.
№ 14. Electronic compass. HMC 5883.
№ 15. Wind speed meter.
№ 16. Electronic ruler. HC-SR04.
№ 17. UV ray meter.
№ 18. Breathalyzer on MQ-3.
№ 19. Gas leak device on MQ-135.
№ 20. Scales on CZL-611CD-01.
Files: Source codes of programs .ardublock

Video tutorial:

Components from Aliexpress:

Arduino Uno

Arduino Uno R3


Training set






Battery compartment



Flame sensor

Gas sensor

Alcohol sensor

Humidity sensor




Load cell

BMP 280

LCD 16x2 I2C

37 modules

Dip cable