№ 1. Flashing LED. № 2. Moving the robot forward. № 3. Backward movement of the robot. № 4. Robot movement to the right. № 5. Robot movement to the left. № 6. Stopping the robot. № 7. Robot movement functions. № 8. The movement of the robot in time. № 9. Ultrasonic ruler. №10. Stopping the robot in front of the wall. №11. The robot attacks the target. №12. Game field of miracles. №13. Robot vacuum cleaner. |
№14. The robot is afraid of the black line. №15. Spiral mine detector robot. №16. Sumo robot. №17. Robot along the line. №18. Robot on the line and stop. №19. Testing the joystick. №20. Robot control from a joystick. №21. Reading buttons from the remote. №22. Controlling the robot remote control. №23. Bluetooth robot control. №24. R433 remote control. №25. Robot R433. №26. Arduino-bluetooth-controller. |
№ 1. Flashing LED. № 2. Moving the robot forward. № 3. Backward movement of the robot. № 4. Robot movement to the right. № 5. Robot movement to the left. № 6. Stopping the robot. № 7. Robot movement functions. № 8. The movement of the robot in time. № 9. Ultrasonic ruler. №10. Stopping the robot in front of the wall. №11. The robot attacks the target. №12. Game field of miracles. №13. Robot vacuum cleaner. №14. The robot is afraid of the black line. №15. Spiral mine detector robot. №16. Sumo robot. №17. Robot along the line. №18. Robot on the line and stop. №19. Testing the joystick. №20. Robot control from a joystick. №21. Reading buttons from the remote. №22. Controlling the robot remote control. №23. Bluetooth robot control. №24. R433 remote control. №25. Robot R433. №26. Arduino-bluetooth-controller. |
Arduino Uno
Arduino Uno R3
Arduino Leonardo
IR Receiver
IR Remote
Dip cable
Battery holder
Bluetooth HC-05
NRF 24L01
4CH L293D
Motor Shield
Motor TT 130
Servo SG90
2WD Robot
4WD Robot
DFRobot 2WD
Training set
Line sensor
Joystick XY
L9110S DC
Expansion board
Servo MG995