Arduino / ArduBlock 2.0

  • Language: English.
  • Format: .pdf
  • The size: 210×297 мм
  • Volume: 50 pages 13,6 MB
  • Application: ArduBlock 2.0
  • Author: Vitaly Petrov

  • Information: How to buy and download the book!

Arduino Mobile Robot, 30 projects

Description: The Beginner's Guide is written in the form of hands-on projects for building mobile robots. For their implementation, the popular Arduino platform and a single basic two-wheel design were chosen. The complexity of projects increases from a simple, remote-controlled "machine" to an intelligent robot. It describes how to control motors, assemble mechanics and electronics, program basic functions, and operate a robot. Robots will be able to avoid obstacles, drive along lines, search for objects and take action.

№ 1. Flashing LED.
№ 2. Moving the robot forward.
№ 3. Backward movement of the robot.
№ 4. Robot movement to the right.
№ 5. Robot movement to the left.
№ 6. Stopping the robot.
№ 7. Robot movement functions.
№ 8. The movement of the robot in time.
№ 9. Ultrasonic ruler.
№10. Stopping the robot in front of the wall.
№11. The robot attacks the target.
№12. Game field of miracles.
№13. Robot vacuum cleaner.
№14. The robot is afraid of the black line.
№15. Spiral mine detector robot.
№16. Sumo robot.
№17. Robot along the line.
№18. Robot on the line and stop.
№19. Testing the joystick.
№20. Robot control from a joystick.
№21. Reading buttons from the remote.
№22. Controlling the robot remote control.
№23. Bluetooth robot control.
№24. R433 remote control.
№25. Robot R433.
№26. Arduino-bluetooth-controller.
№ 1. Flashing LED.
№ 2. Moving the robot forward.
№ 3. Backward movement of the robot.
№ 4. Robot movement to the right.
№ 5. Robot movement to the left.
№ 6. Stopping the robot.
№ 7. Robot movement functions.
№ 8. The movement of the robot in time.
№ 9. Ultrasonic ruler.
№10. Stopping the robot in front of the wall.
№11. The robot attacks the target.
№12. Game field of miracles.
№13. Robot vacuum cleaner.
№14. The robot is afraid of the black line.
№15. Spiral mine detector robot.
№16. Sumo robot.
№17. Robot along the line.
№18. Robot on the line and stop.
№19. Testing the joystick.
№20. Robot control from a joystick.
№21. Reading buttons from the remote.
№22. Controlling the robot remote control.
№23. Bluetooth robot control.
№24. R433 remote control.
№25. Robot R433.
№26. Arduino-bluetooth-controller.
Files: Source codes of programs .ardublock

Video course on the book:

Components from Aliexpress:

Arduino Uno

Arduino Uno R3

Arduino Leonardo


IR Receiver

IR Remote


Dip cable

Battery holder


Bluetooth HC-05

NRF 24L01

4CH L293D

Motor Shield

Motor TT 130

Servo SG90

2WD Robot

4WD Robot

DFRobot 2WD

Training set

Line sensor


Joystick XY


L9110S DC


Expansion board

Servo MG995